The Poor Geek > Uncategorized
November 1, 2012
Ok, taking another look at Win8, this time with the usability modifications afforded by Classic Shell and Start8. ..And I have to say, I like it. MS made a lot of improvements to the OS itself, with things like integrated…
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October 26, 2012
1: Replace PSU in network storage, send email stating power restored. Email replies from other staff recommend shutting it down because of velociraptors. 2: Unix admin responds with “This is a UNIX system, I know this!” 3: Spend all of…
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September 26, 2012
Nothing wakes you up at 5am quite like something in your bedroom bursting into flames. Fortunately, it was only the pedestal fan, which was quickly put outside in the garage. Didn’t get around to pulling parts for the TNC interface…
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