Success and failure.
Well, last weekend I pulled out the AUX and iPod jacks from my car and went to work adapting proper connections on the ends for standard car head units – namely a 3.5mm plug for the AUX and USB for…
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Rich in knowledge, poor in cash.
Well, last weekend I pulled out the AUX and iPod jacks from my car and went to work adapting proper connections on the ends for standard car head units – namely a 3.5mm plug for the AUX and USB for…
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Just did some plugin consolidation and reconfiguring, testing things out. Last batch of cider failed. It was good right up until bottling, and then it seems something got into the jug and turned the cider by the time we got…
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Well, not *quite* yet. A friend on IRC has VERY generously ordered a Peaberry SDR kit to be shipped to me. It’s a relatively inexpensive, low-power HF band transceiver (1W transmit power). It does come as a kit, with primarily…
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Ok, that last batch of cider turned out quite well. Very much like Strongbow in taste. I used a rather tart store-bought filtered apple juice as a base (Mott’s brand, to be precise). The “Spike Your Juice” kits come with…
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No resolutions, just glad we made it without blowing ourselves up. As for things to come in the next year: More cider! Maybe beer! Finally finishing the packet radio interface! Acquiring HF gear! (looking at the peaberry) That’s probably most…
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Anyhoo. Started a small batch of cider, this time using a yeast packet from the “Spike Your Juice” kit that a friend of mine bought me for the holiday. It recommends not letting it finish fermenting due to the fact…
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Well, the cider didn’t turn out how I liked at all. I think partially from putting the mulling spices in at primary, and partially due to the yeast culture I used… it said it was a cider yeast, but everything’s…
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Alrighty, the spiced apple/pear is in the final stage before bottling – fining. The particular method I’m using is gelatin. You mix up a very little bit in with some hot water (1 teaspoon of gelatin to a cup of…
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And the season is upon us. Random thoughts and happenings for the past month or so to follow. I did eventually upgrade to Win8, initially on the laptop, but then on the new desktop. It’s all tiny and cute and…
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Ok, taking another look at Win8, this time with the usability modifications afforded by Classic Shell and Start8. ..And I have to say, I like it. MS made a lot of improvements to the OS itself, with things like integrated…
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